Moosehead - Still Pioneers Canada 150 “Hockey”
Alter Ego Post created this Moosehead Lager campaign titled "Still Pioneers". For this commercial I created the hockey animation in 3D then rendered it in a 2D style. After that, the uber talented VFX artists composited the animated frames onto the live action bottles. Possibly an oversimplification of the process. Tickled by and thankful to Alter Ego for bringing me onto this project!

Agency: Taxi
Executive Producer: Steve Emmens
Chief Creative Officer: Jeff MacEachern
Group Account Director: Karlee Bedford
Account Supervisor: Lexi Trimper
Art Director: Daniel Cantelon
Copywriter: Marc Levesque
Prod House: alter ego films
Director: David Whiteson
DOP: Eric Whipp
Producers: Liam Benstead/Tony Phibbs
Editorial: Rooster
Editor: Christina Humphries
Colour and VFX: alter ego
Executive Producer: Hilda Pereira
VFX/Colour Producer: Caitlin Schooley-Groneveldt
Colourist: Eric Whipp
Lead VFX Artists: David Whiteson/Andres Kirejew
VFX Artists: Andrew Thiessen/Dan McCarthy/Eric Perrella
Lead Designer: Edward Deng
Designers: Rob Fisher/Bill Fowler
The above video is a render of the animation before it was composited onto the bottles. The animation was created in Cinema 4D and each element was rendered separately as solid white so the layers could be used as luma mattes in compositing (After Effects). Doing this meant that color changes could be quick and wouldn't require re-rending from the 3D application.